
How to Disable Bitdefender? Do it Temporarily or Permanently

Bitdefender stands out among the top antivirus programs available today. Bitdefender is typically configured to be inactive for five minutes at a time. You can also disable the firewall if it’s giving you trouble. So, how to disable Bitdefender?

Think about creating an exception so that the firewall can keep operating normally even though you want to make sure the program that has been blocked can still run. If Advanced Thread Protection detects any malicious activity, you can disable it to prevent an app from running. Here’s an alternative you can use if you’re sick of using antivirus software.

How to Disable BitDefender?

Certain antivirus programs cause disruptions to programs or processes. In order to get things done when that occurs, you might need to temporarily disable your antivirus. Sadly, BitDefender lacks a one-click close feature, so in order to completely deactivate the program, you’ll need to turn a lot of things off.

On the other hand, if BitDefender keeps shutting down, there probably is a technical problem. Hopefully, a reboot will fix it. If not, you can quickly verify that everything that needs to be in the On position is by following the same steps you use to temporarily disable the application.

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How to Delete BitDefender?

You’ll need to uninstall BitDefender completely if you’d like to disable it more permanently. In Windows 10, locate BitDefender by going to Start and Settings, clicking on Apps, and then selecting Uninstall. You can uninstall in Windows 7 and 8 through the Control Panel’s Programs and Features section.

Open your Finder and choose Go from the top menu bar to permanently shut down BitDefender on a Mac. After choosing Utilities, launch BitDefenderUninstaller. 

When prompted, select Uninstall and enter your device’s Administrator password. After confirming that the program has been removed, locate the BitDefender folder in the Macintosh HD and Library and move it to the trash.

Reasons for Disabling BitDefender:

To avoid conflicts or disruptions during certain software installations or updates, Bitdefender may need to be temporarily disabled.

To temporarily free up more system resources for resource-intensive tasks like gaming, Bitdefender may be temporarily disabled.

Bitdefender’s real-time protection may not be compatible with all software or apps, in which case it may need to be temporarily disabled in order to fix compatibility issues.

Disabling the firewall or network protection temporarily may help determine whether Bitdefender is the source of the issue if you suspect problems with network connectivity.

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How Can You Enable BitDefender?

BitDefender may keep turning off due to a technical problem, or you may simply need to enable it again after disabling it. Follow the same procedures as before to enable BitDefender again, making sure to enable all the modules you had disabled. 

Making a list of everything you disable might be helpful if you anticipate doing this often so you can easily reenable and disable things as needed.

However, if your BitDefender keeps shutting down, you need to take alternative action. Should you haven’t already, try restarting. If you’re using Windows and that doesn’t work, you can turn it on via the Action Center. 

Another option is to launch BitDefender, choose Settings, and then confirm that On-Access Scanning is enabled. Additionally, make sure nothing that needs to be toggled on has ever been disabled by checking each module.


You need an effective antivirus program in order to keep your computer safe. However, you may need to disable your antivirus program once or twice. You must open the Protection window and change a few settings to the Off or Disable position in order to terminate BitDefender. You’ll have to turn them all back on when you’re ready to defend your computer once more.

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