
18 Birds With Blue Eggs (in North America): Discover Top Species

One of the many colors of eggs produced by birds is blue, which is laid by many of them. Since blue isn’t a color that’s frequently seen in nature, blue eggs can stand out significantly from the brown and green surroundings. This article looks at 18 birds with blue eggs in North America that lay blue eggs and describes them all. 

18 Birds With Blue Eggs in North America:

It is known that these North American species lay blue eggs. Some have a faint blue tint, while others are vivid and bright blue. Now, we go into greater detail about each species and the appearance of their eggs below. 

1. American Robin

There’s no better sign of springtime than the melodic robin. Robins are among the most common bird nests people see, having been found in most of the United States and frequently building their nests in backyards. 

2. Eastern Bluebird

The stunning blue feathers of bluebirds are matched with the color of their eggs! The eastern bluebird is a cavity nesting bird that can be found throughout the eastern United States. 

3. Blue Jay

It is impossible to overlook the Blue Jay’s screeching call. They can be seen from the eastern and central United States all the way to the Rockies in the west. Big Blue Jays frequently visit backyard bird feeders and other outdoor spaces. 

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4. Gray Catbird

The public primarily observes gray Catbirds in the spring and summer, when they are present throughout most of the United States during the nesting season. Despite having a dull gray coloring, their calls and songs are anything but simple. 

5. Western Bluebird

The Western Bluebird lays blue eggs, just like their relatives in the east. Males have more orange on their backs and a blue throat instead of orange, but otherwise they resemble Eastern Bluebirds quite a bit. Birdhouses, other tree cavities, and former woodpecker holes are used as nesting sites. 

6. European Starling 

The cavities found in woodpecker holes, nest boxes, and even building structures are used by European starlings to construct their nests. Their nests can be quite large and bulky, and they frequently build them out of grass, twigs, feathers, and leaves.

7. Wood Thrush

In the spring, Wood Thrushes return to the eastern half of the United States to construct their nests. Mature forests with both tall trees and an understory are good places to find them. The female bird ultimately makes the final decision and constructs the cup-shaped nest, despite the males’ best efforts to recommend a good location. 

8. House Finch

A lot of people are familiar with house finches because they are common birds in many parts of the United States and frequently visit backyard feeders. They have been known to build their nests on cacti, on rock ledges, or in trees, depending on their lifestyle. 

9. Blue Grosbeak

The southern and central United States, as well as certain regions of Mexico and Central America, are the summer breeding grounds for blue grosbeaks. They are found in open habitats like grasslands, savannas, and shrubby areas during the breeding season.

10. Red-winged Blackbird

Throughout North America, red-winged blackbirds can be seen perching atop cattails in marshes and singing their distinctive song, “conk-la-lee.” Nests are usually built close to the ground in dense vegetation, such as cattails, bulrush, and sedge, near marshes or other wetland areas.

11. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Blue-gray gnatcatchers are not always easy to locate. These small birds enjoy chasing insects by darting among the treetops. Throughout the year, they can be found in Mexico and along the southernmost point of the United States.

12. Painted Bunting

Breeding along the southeast coast and in portions of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas is where you can find the brilliantly colored Painted Bunting. Seek them out in the scrub along the coast, streamside areas, woodlands between fields, and abandoned farms. 

13. Northern Mockingbird

One of the most identifiable songbirds in Mexico and the United States is this black-and-white bird. The northern mockingbird, which is native to the lower 48 states, spends its time loudly mimicking other birds’ songs.

14. Green Heron

Much of Central and North America is home to green herons. They are found in the eastern and western United States, southern Canada, parts of Mexico, and Central America during the breeding season. 

15. Great Blue Heron

In most of North America, great blue herons are common birds. Marshes, swamps, and shallow ponds are among the wetland habitats that Great Blue Herons frequent during the breeding season. 

16. Great Egret

Great Egrets reside in colonies with other waterbirds during the breeding season and are found in the southeastern states, as well as in isolated areas in the remaining states and southern Canada. 

17. Varied Thrush

The attractive Breeding in the dense coniferous forests of western North America, ranging from Alaska to northern California, is the varied thrush. They like to build their nests out of hemlock, spruce, fir, and alder twigs in old, dense forests with a dense understory.

18. Hermit Thrush

Throughout Canada and portions of the northeastern and middle-western United States, the hermit thrush builds its nests. The reddish-brown tail of this adorable brown thrush sets it apart from other thrushes with similar appearances. 


The egg blocks more UV rays the more pigment it contains. Having a blue egg can therefore be compared to applying sunscreen or using an umbrella to protect oneself from the sun. When a parent must leave the nest to find food, this can be very helpful in protecting the developing embryos.

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