
Is It Safe to Eat Undercooked Salmon? How To Know?

Is it safe to eat undercooked salmon? A foodborne illness can arise if you consume fish that is undercooked or raw. On the other hand, a few important considerations determine whether or not you can consume salmon that is slightly undercooked. Fish that has been cooked to the right internal temperature eliminates any bacteria or parasites that may be present, just like other fish do. 

Undercooked salmon is dangerous to consume. Foodborne illnesses like salmonellosis, norovirus, and Vibrio infections can be acquired by eating raw or undercooked salmon.

Can You Eat Undercooked Salmon?

Since there is a chance that the salmon contains bacteria that are still alive, eating undercooked salmon can be harmful to your health. Food must be cooked for at least two minutes at 165 degrees Fahrenheit or higher in order to eradicate all harmful bacteria.

Undercooked Salmon may also contain Vibrio bacteria, which can lead to illnesses like Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus. In addition to symptoms like fever, vomiting, and diarrhea, these infections can, in more severe situations, result in blood infections and other problems.

Salmon must be cooked to an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C) and its flesh must be opaque and easily flaked with a fork in order for it to be considered safe for consumption. In order to stop dangerous germs from growing, salmon must also be handled and stored carefully.

See also: Cooking Salmon Temperature Guide

What Happens If You Eat Undercooked Salmon?

If you eat undercooked salmon, you run the risk of getting foodborne illnesses, which can cause a variety of symptoms, such as:

  • In certain cases, vomiting and nausea from eating undercooked salmon can be quite severe.
  • Diarrhea that is either watery or bloody can be caused by pathogens such as salmonella bacteria that are present in undercooked salmon.
  • Severe and prolonged cramping in the abdomen can be caused by Salmonella and other bacteria found in undercooked salmon.
  • There are certain foodborne illnesses that can result from consuming undercooked salmon and they can cause fever, either high or mild.
  • Dehydration can result from foodborne illness-related vomiting and diarrhea which is potentially harmful, particularly to young children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems.
  • If you consume undercooked salmon and start to exhibit any signs of a foodborne illness, you should definitely get medical help.

How to Know If a Salmon is Undercooked?

A food thermometer can be used to check the internal temperature of salmon to see if it’s undercooked. The thickest portion of the salmon, which takes the longest to cook, is where the internal temperature is measured. When cooking salmon, the internal temperature should be at least 145°F (63°C). The flesh of the salmon should be opaque and fork-tender when it reaches this temperature.

Salmon is deemed undercooked and might not be suitable for consumption if its internal temperature is less than 145°F (63°C). The flesh of undercooked salmon may be difficult to flake with a fork and may appear translucent or slightly raw.

Cooking salmon to a high temperature reduces the risk of foodborne illness and guarantees that it is safe to eat. If you’re not sure if your salmon is cooked through, take a look at the internal temperature with a food thermometer or refer to a food safety guide for specific cooking guidelines.

Choose a Good Salmon

Finding the best salmon available on the market is crucial to enjoying a wonderful meal. Fresh salmon has a vivid pink or red color. Make sure the fish you purchase doesn’t have any strange spots or a pale color.

When a fresh salmon is smelled closely enough, it should smell more like an ocean breeze than strongly of fish. A fresh salmon should be moist to the touch and not dry. An obvious warning sign is a dry salmon with curling flesh.


There is a chance that eating raw or undercooked salmon will expose you to foodborne illnesses like salmonella. But if prepared correctly, salmon that is a little undercooked won’t necessarily make you sick.

Salmon should be cooked to the suggested safe internal temperature of 145°F in order to reduce risks as much as possible. Another important factor in lowering bacteria is proper handling, preparation, and storage. 

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