
How To Tell If Salmon Is Cooked? Must See This Guide

Salmon cooking to perfection is an art. It is very simple to overcook the fish, leaving you with a piece that is tough, dry, and just not very appetizing to eat. We asked a range of chefs and food experts for their best tips so that you can cook salmon to the ideal medium every time. Here’s how to tell if salmon is cooked to perfection without further ado, so you can enjoy a tasty and healthful salmon dish for dinner. 

The thickness of the salmon fillet or steak can affect the cooking time and temperature, so it’s critical to keep a close eye on the fish while it cooks to make sure it’s done to your preference. Furthermore, the results of various cooking techniques, such as broiling, baking, poaching, and grilling, may vary slightly.

How To Tell If Salmon Is Cooked?

Trying to figure out how to tell when salmon is done? You can use two different approaches. 

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Seek out obvious signs

Naturally, there are also some obvious indicators that your salmon is done cooking. According to Chase, medium-done salmon should have an opaque white-pink exterior and a more translucent pink interior. Senich also notes that salmon that has been overcooked will smell stronger, so you can tell if you’ve gone too far. 

Use a food thermometer

Celebrity chef Kai Chase advises inserting the food thermometer into the thickest part of the salmon filet. When the salmon reaches 125 degrees Fahrenheit, it is cooked to Chase’s preferred doneness of medium. 

Using a fork, flake the fish

Are you curious about how to determine if salmon is cooked without using a thermometer? This is the simplest method. Use the tip of a spatula, fork, or finger to gently press down on top of the filet and check if the salmon begins to flake to determine if it is cooked to medium. 

Best Tips to Cook Salmon Perfectly:

The salmon can be kept at a lower temperature by keeping its skin on. The salmon can easily overcook if the skin is removed before cooking. 

  • Ideally, the skin should be left on until the food is ready to be consumed; however, if the flavor and texture appeal to you, feel free to consume the skin. 
  • Always place the salmon skin-side down on the heat source when cooking fillets. The fish’s skin protects it from the heat and keeps it from cooking too quickly. 
  • Just before cooking the salmon, add salt, pepper, and your preferred seasonings instead of seasoning it beforehand. 
  • If added too early, salt and other sodium-containing seasonings will wring moisture out of the fish and cause it to dry out.  
  • According to the recipe you’re using, preheat your cooking source to the proper temperature. By doing this, the salmon will cook through. 

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How Long Does it Take to Cook Salmon?

The thickness and method of cooking of the fillet you use determine how long the salmon takes to cook. When cooking salmon at 375°F (190°C), it should be cooked for approximately 10 minutes per inch of thickness.

The thickness and initial temperature of the salmon, as well as the type of oven, grill, or stove being used, can all affect how long it takes to cook. It is best to check the internal temperature of the salmon with a meat thermometer to make sure it is cooked through.

How to Store Cooked Salmon?

If kept in an airtight container, cooked salmon can be kept in the refrigerator for two to three days. It’s not required, but if you’d like, you can wrap the fish in foil before putting it in the container.

For storage, place in a freezer-safe Ziploc bag, cover with a layer of foil and cling film, and freeze for up to 4 months. Thaw in the fridge overnight before using.

What to do When Your Salmon is Overcooked?

Salmon can turn chewy, tough, and dry if it is overcooked. Instead of being flaky and tender, the flesh could be rubbery and firm. Salmon that has been overcooked may also appear grayish-white in hue as opposed to faintly pink. It might also have a dry, mealy texture and a bland flavor.

The fish may lose moisture and flavor if it is overcooked because the natural oils in the flesh evaporate. Furthermore, salmon that has been overcooked may smell or taste slightly burned, particularly if it was overcooked for an extended period of time at a high temperature.


Your choice of cooking method and the thickness of the filet will determine how long your salmon takes to cook. You can check whether your salmon is cooked through by using the above advice to estimate how long your cooking process will take. Cheers to your meal! 

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